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Frequently Asked Questions:

Q. How do we purchase your textbook? A. Economics Link Economics Link CP Home Government Link Government Link Conference Schedule CP Home Price Link Textbook Link Economics Simply click on the "Purchase Textbook" button above and fill out the form and either email or mail it to us OR email us for a quote and invoice.

Q. I see your price is listed by enrollment - do you mean in enrollment in our economics class or the whole high school? A. Economics Link Economics Link CP Home Government Link Government Link Conference Schedule CP Home Price Link Textbook Link Economics We price by the TOTAL enrollment of your high school grades 9-12. If you're a K-12 or 6-12 school just count grades 9-12 please.

Q. Why don't you print the book in color? A. Economics Link Economics Link CP Home Government Link Government Link Conference Schedule CP Home Price Link Textbook Link Economics We do, however it is much more expensive. See the price page for the current prices; however, in January 2012, the price for 100 color textbooks is $24 per book. If your district buys 300 copies the price is $20 per book. The current price for the color cover and grayscale interior is $7.00 for 100 and $5.50 for 300 textbooks. Note: our color textbooks are still much cheaper than the traditional publishers!

Q. I don't understand how I receive the textbook from you? A. That is a great question. We sell the textbook in two formats: digital and as a printed softbound book. This gives the teacher the ultimate flexibility. You can buy the book in Word and edit and print the parts you want through your school or you can buy the book printed as we have prepared it for you and save money.

Q. What are the advantages of a digital textbook as opposed to a regular textbook? A. With a digital textbook we sell you the textbook and all the supplemental materials in Microsoft Office (Word, Excel and PowerPoint). You may then edit the textbook as you see fit or print just parts of the book. You may post the textbook on INTRAnet sites or download it onto your student's laptops, iPads...for students to use electronically. You also have the advantage of printing the textbook in whatever format you want. Some districts like to put the book in binders, others use them as workbooks, and still others like to print each chapter as a handout. Three schools are using the book entirely digitally by placing it on their school-owned laptops.

Q. What restrictions do we have on using the digital form of the textbook? A. You may only use any of the materials we sell you for your students in your high school. You may not post any materials online, share with teachers outside of your school, unless your district has bought the rights to multiple schools within your district, resell, distribute or share the materials with anyone else. Obviously, we have to protect our copyright and expect our customers to do the same. If you place the textbook on a student's laptop you must delete it at the end of the semester.

Q. We like a hardcover book because it lasts longer, why would we buy your textbook? A. Another great question. If you have big money for a hardcover textbook and think those textbooks meet your needs we support your decision to purchase them. We think that the REALLY EXPENSIVE hardcover textbooks become history books within a year or two in a dynamic field like economics or government. You can buy our book and print it for seven years, using a new book every year for the cost of the hardcover economics or government book. Our textbook is updated every year and is actually quite durable - we have schools using it for two years (four semesters). Also a big advantage to our textbook is that kids love to mark in their book. Parents freak out when they are hit with a huge bill to replace those hardcover books ($90...). With our book we, and many parents, encourage kids to mark in the book and reimburse the school for the printing cost to print a new one ($5.00-$10.00).

Q. I don't get the price page on your brochure - why are there different prices for different-sized schools? A. We base the license fee on your school's TOTAL enrollment. Smaller schools receive a lower license fee in proportion to the fewer books they will use for their classes. We have found that smaller schools purchase fewer printed textbooks and therefore pay a higher per book fee due to economy of scale. We try to offset that price with a lower license fee.

Q. I am a home school parent and want to buy your textbook is that possible? A. It is a possibility, but generally we sell to high schools, both public and private. We don't personalize the textbook and have some other restrictions for home school teachers. If you would like more information contact us.

Q. How do we know your company will still be in business five years from now? That is another good question. It might be a bit of a fallacy to think the big textbook companies are going to be around forever; just look at Lehman Brothers or Enron or .... Bigger doesn't guarantee longevity. We plan to continue publishing for many years to come. Our business is growing and we are expecting to bring in new titles and authors in the near future.

Don't see your question? Please email us and we will promptly reply to all questions.