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Price, License and Updates

New pricing schedule for 2013-14 (no increases in license fee)

You must puchase the license to buy the textbook; however, you're not required to have us print the textbook. You may print the textbook in-house or through your own printer after you purchase license. Three of our schools currently are using the textbook exclusively in the digital format placing it on student computers. We do have some great printing prices right now! (see below)

License Fee for Teaching High School Economics 2013-14:

Total High School Enrollment of 200 or fewer student = $1,500.00*

Total High School Enrollment between 201 – 500 students = $2,000.00*

Total High School Enrollment between 501 – 800 students = $2,500.00*

Total High School Enrollment between 801– 1,500 students = $3,000.00*

Total High School Enrollment over 1,500 students = $3,500.00*

License Renewal For Teaching High School Economics $600 per year**

* Includes FREE UPDATE of all materials for the next school year! LICENSE DOES NOT INCLUDE PRINTED COPIES OF TEXTBOOK (see below if you would like to take advantage of our low printing prices)

** Includes new updated version of all materials  Note:  you may continue to use the most recent update you have purchased for as many years as you choose; however, to receive the updated textbook and materials you need the renewal license each year after first free update. See below for cost comparison to other high school economics textbooks.  

Purchase of license includes the following delivered on CD:

License DOES NOT include:

Have us print your textbook for a LOW PRICE:

Textbooks printed (softbound sample) at the price schedule below AFTER PURCHASE OF LICENSE***:

No. of Copies
Price Per Book

*** shipping and handling total varies between $75 through $350 depending on distance and weight


Comparison of purchasing 200 economics textbooks.

Major Publishers' Price: $100.00 per textbook, 10% shipping and handling.

          200 x $100.00 = $20,000.00 x 10% = $2,000 + $20,000 = $22,000.00 three dollar signs

High School Economics Price: $2,500 license* and $6.75 to print per book and $225 shipping and handling

          200 x $6.75 = $1,350.00 + $2,500.00 + $225.00 = $4,575.00        single dollar sign

You can buy the license for High School Economics and print it for 7.2 years with NEW UPDATED VERSIONS EVERY YEAR for the cost of buying a traditional economics textbook, which won't change for those 7 years. 

Other Advantages of the digital High School Economics textbook:

*high school with 501-800 students, schools with smaller enrollments may buy the license for less and still have huge savings.  Larger districts may take advantage of the economy of scale and SAVE EVEN MORE!  See our cost for purchasing the printed copy above.  Compare that total price to buying the same number of copies of a traditional economics book from a major publisher, approximately $100.  Don't forget to add the shipping and handling that the major publishers charge as well.  Regardless of your high school's enrollment we guarantee the total cost of our PACKAGE is less than half as much as theirs, and in most cases 10-25% of the cost of buying a traditional textbook. EMAIL US TO RECEIVE A SPECIFIC QUOTE FOR YOUR SCHOOL .