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Siblings Slideshow 1 & Video - The Sawyer Years - 1954-63

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Mom and Dad were married on October 29, 1954. There are no photos of the five months, or so, they lived in Bethany Beach at the cottage. The photos I have begin around 1956, for this show, and go through November 1963 when we moved to St. Joseph. There is a video of Mom and Dad in 1954-55, including at Bethany Beach. The video also includes a picnic with Gordon and Lucille Christopher, along with footage of Dayle when she was a baby. I captured a few of those photos and put them in this show. See Bud's House on Houses Page to read more about our life in Sawyer.

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Bernie, Dayle and Dad in Sawyer House - 1958
Dayle, Larry and Bernie in Sawyer House - 1958
Dayle, Bernie & Larry in Sawyer House - 1958
Dayle, Bernie, Larry and Jimmy in Sawyer House - 1959
Larry, Jimmy, Dayle & Bernie in Sawyer House - 1959
Mom, Dayle and Bernie at Sawyer House - 1956
Mom, Dayle and Bernie in South Bend with Gib & Lil - 1956
Dayle, Timmy, Larry, Bernie & Jim at Nana's - 1961?
Nana, Dayle, Timmy, Bernie, Larry at Nana's - 1961
Nana, Dayle, Tim, Bernie, Larry & Jimmy at Nana's - 1961
Bernie, Dayle, Larry - 1960
Bernie, Dayle, Larry & Grandpa - 1959
Grandpa Ackerman with Larry - 1958
Bernie, Timmy Branson, Dayle - Oct. 1958
Bernie, Timmy & Dayle - Oct. 1958
Mom with Dayle Captured from 8mm - July 1955
Mom with Dayle Captured from 8mm - July 1955
Dayle Captured from 8mm - 1955
Dad and Dayle - 1957
Dad and Dayle - 1957
Grandma Feeding Bernie at 1st Birthday at Nana's - 1957
Dad, Mom, Bernie and Dayle at Bernie's B-day Party - 1957
Mom Birthday Party & Easter with Bransons at Nana's - Apr. 14, 1963
Mom's Birthday Party & Easter at Nana's - Apr. 14, 1963
Mom Birthday Party & Easter with Bransons at Nana's - Note: Lil's Parakeet Cage - Apr. 14, 1963
Ted Branson with Bernie and Dayle at Nana's - 1957
Nana with Larry, Dayle and Bernie - 1959
Nana with Tim Branson, Bernie and Dayle at Her Place - 1956
Mom with All Five at Nana's on Easter - Apr. 14, 1963
Mom with Jimmy, Robin, Larry and Dayle at Nana's on Easter - Apr. 14, 1963
Mom with Larry, Robin and Dayle at Nana's on Easter - Apr. 22, 1963
Dayle, Bernie, Larry & Jimmy at Nana's on Easter - Apr. 14, 1963
Dad with Robin at Nana's on Easter - Apr. 14, 1963



Karen, Bud & Dayle - 1954-55

6:25 Minutes


Go to Slideshow 2 - The Broad Street Years - Pt 1 - 1963-70

Go to Slideshow 2A - The Broad Street Years - Pt 2 - 1970-77

Go to Slideshow 3 - The California Trip - 1965

Go to Slideshow 3A - U.P. Michigan Trips - 1966-71

Go to Slideshow 4 - Sibs in Front of Cars - 1963-76

Go to Slideshow 5 - Adults and Extended Families - 1977-Present

Go to Slideshow 6 - The Christopher Five - 1963-2007

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