
Links: Family Main Page  Email Us

This site is dedicated to all our ancestors who helped make us who we are. It is with gratitude for their sacrifices and love I present the Christopher/Ackerman/Larsen/Dolph/Söderling/Allard/Lambert/Berggren story. I have @1,000 photos on this site and have @2 hours of old 8 mm video.

This site is an on-going work in progress and will be updated regularly so check the Update List at the bottom of the page (BE SURE TO REFRESH - circular arrow above - every time you visit a page because you don't know if I have updated it and without refreshing your browser will not show you the proper updates). If anyone have photos or information they want placed on a page PLEASE send them to me and I will add them to your page or wherever appropriate. Jimmy sent me several photos so I could update his page.

Most ancestors don't have complete biographies yet, but some do - check bottom of this page to see updates listed. The Karen Ackerman Christopher, Bud Christopher, Johanna Lundberg, Eric Christiopher, Sivert and Anna Larsen, Roy Gilbert Ackerman pages are complete with some minor additions possible. Rose Larsen's bio section is almost complete but I need to add photos, censuses and other records. Every person has a photo except Inga Östman and Mary Avery. It is quite remarkable that I have been able to find photographs for our next four generations except two (27 of 29 people - Eric's father is unknown).

There are 100s of photos and numerous videos throughout the site. The DNA page is complete and is a great place to start to see our family DNA and learn about our ethnicity. The Siblings Page is a don't miss and is done. Mom's page has a very special book, "Reflections of a Mother's Heart," in her own words to all of us from Mom that I transcribed and it is a MUST SEE.

Another don't miss is a very brief History of Sweden/Norway, Geography and Language page with audio and video. This page is chocked full of photos, maps, family trees, video of Grandma Wally's Christmas feast and audio. It is very helpful because it shows where our people came from on maps, it explains the way Swedes and Norwegians used last names for centuries (patronymic system), and I have a very brief explanation of the languages with audio examples to help interpret some of the records I have included on the site. This page actually has audio of me speaking Swedish, along with real Swedish voices speaking it.

Christopher Family Tree - Click any name on the family tree or graphics below to see bio, photos, video, DNA test results. The whole page is interactive so if you see something you like just click on it. Be sure to check out the whole page because there are links to photos and videos below the interactive family trees at the top of the page. (Note: use the "Family Main Page" link above to navigate back to this page from any page on the site - for links that lead you to photos and documents simply click the back button to return to the page you were viewing - don't forget to refresh your browser every time you visit a page)

Siblings Dayle Bernie Larry Jim Robin Aunts Uncles

family tree Bud Christopher Warren Christopher Karen Wahlborg Soderling Gib Ackerman Lillian Larsen Ackerman Eric Christoffersson Carolina Berggren Knut Soderling Gerda Allard Soderling Walter Ackerman Elda Lambert Ackerman Addie Dolph Jr Rose Larsen Adonijah Dolph Sr Sivert Larsen Anna Normann Mary Avery Dolph Mary Sluder John Lindsey Lambert Sarah Bridgman Brita Johansdotter Gustaf Allard Inga Ostman Gustav Soderling Lisa Andersdotter Johan Berggren Johanna Lundberg

To explore the family tree branches further back than what is shown above click on the person in the last column for whom you want to follow and you will find additional branches for each person (work in progress). Note: some branches go all the way back to pre-Viking Era circa 600 CE (that's 45 generations!) through Anna Jørgensdatter - Here is a link to the earliest ancestors on the tree.


Siblings 8mm Home Movies Link 8mm Link Houses Photos Link DNA 1010 Broad St Gibs Slideshow Gib's 1960s Slideshow Nordic History Historic Photos Link Heirlooms Trinkets Page

List of Webpages you may want to visit on this Site:

Siblings Page with 100s of photos of the "Christopher Five"

8 mm videos from Bud Christopher - almost 2 hours of footage

Houses of interest (photos of all the family houses in Berrien County)

Aunts and Uncles to the "Christopher Five"

Brief History of Sweden & Norway, the Languages, and Where Our People Come From

DNA Test Results and Info

Gib's Slide Photograph Slideshow 1950s

Gib's Slide Photograph Slideshow 1960s+

1010 Broad Street Photos

Historic Photos of Interest

Keepsakes, Heirlooms & Trinkets


Updated Pages/Slides/Photos:

Heirloom, Keepsakes & Trinkets Page - September 19, 2024 (9 More Photos from Larry's)

Created Heirloom, Keepsakes & Trinkets Page - September 5, 2024 (9 Photos from Larry's)

Roy Gilbert Ackerman - September 3, 2024 (Added to Biography & Photo of "A" & "Mason" Rings)

Bud Christopher - September 3, 2024 (Added Death Certificate)

Karen Ackerman Christopher - September 3, 2024 (Added Death Certificate)

Roy Gilbert Ackerman - August 30, 2024 (Finished Bio, Slideshow, Documents, Censuses... Spartanette Trailer Link)

Karen Ackerman Christopher - August 30, 2024 (Added Spartanette Trailer Link)

Created Gib's Trailer Photos Page - August 30, 2024 (Added 1952 Spartanette Trailer Photos)

Karen Ackerman Christopher - August 13, 2024 (Added LINK W2 and updated biography - dog Rusty)

Karen Ackerman Christopher - August 9, 2024 (Added second slideshow with 32 NEW photos and updated biography)

Lee Christopher - August 9, 2024 (Added two photos to his page)

Karen Ackerman Christopher - August 8, 2024 (Finished biography, added keepsakes, documents and photos)

Bud Christopher - August 5, 2024 (Finished slideshow, added documents)

Jim Christopher - August 5, 2024 (Added one photo to his slideshow - #45)

Uncle Norm on bottom of Sivert & Anna Larsen pages - August 3, 2024 (short biography, documents & photos)

Anna Sofia Jørgensdatter (Larsen) - August 3, 2024 (added to narrative, photos, maps, updated dates, records - mortgages)

Jim Christopher - August 2, 2024 (added 47 photos, made slideshow, noted time of birth)

Pete Christopher - August 2, 2024 (added a photo)

Siblings 5 Adults - August 2, 2024 (replaced two placeholder photos to slideshow - C5 at Larry's Wedding & added lists of people)

Sivert Larsen - July 31, 2024 (added to narrative, photos, maps, updated dates, records - mortgages)

The Cottage - July 27, 2024 (added to narrative, updated dates, records - mortgages)

Warren's House - July 27, 2024 (added to narrative, updated dates, records - mortgages)

Gib's Sawyer House - July 27, 2024 (updated dates, records - mortgages)

Gib's Harbert House - July 27, 2024 (updated dates, records - mortgages)

1010 Broad Street - July 27, 2024 (updated dates, records - mortgages)

Johanna Lundberg - July 26, 2024 (updated bio, added census and other records)

Eric Bernard Christopher - July 26, 2024 (updated bio, photos, added census and other records)

Sivert Larsen - July 26, 2024 (added photos, bit of narrative - much more to go)

Bud's Sawyer House - July 17, 2024 (added kitchen photo)

Bud's Page - July 17, 2024 (updated bio and added census other records)


Working on:

Dayle Chronister - Several photos to be added to slideshow including 5 generations.

Karen Christopher - Grandkids page

Bernie Christopher - Photos to complete slideshow

Robin Christopher - Photos, records... waiting on photos Robin says he has

Aunts & Uncles - Photos and information as I receive it

Carl Norman Page - Biography, kids and my stay with Arne

Other ancestors - Biographies, photos, dates, records...