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Siblings Slideshow 2 & Videos - The Broad Street Years - Pt 1 - 1964-70

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This slideshow is composed of photos from our moving to 1010 Broad Street, St. Joseph, Michigan in February 1964 to 1970. Almost all the photos in these sibling slideshows are a combination of various groups of us five; however, there are some single photos that I included because they are part of the story of a group of slides. Also, you should check out the 1010 Broad Street Slideshow under houses because it has photos that are not included here but are during this time frame and emphasize the house itself. Don't miss the videos at the bottom of this page.

There are many happy memories of the Broad Street Years for the Christopher Five from 1964 through 1970, some difficult ones as well, but this Site is dedicated to the good times, unless there is a compelling reason to explain important events in our lives.

Mom and Dad were able to put a downpayment down on the house on 1010 Broad Street with money Mom inherited from Nana - $500 (see the ad for the house in the 1010 Broad Street Slideshow or click here). We moved into the house in February 1964. See the home slideshow to see and learn about the layout of the house.

Winter storm 1967.

Continued love of Blackhawk hockey and the Cubs.

Click arrow for next or previous photo; or thumbnail below

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Bernie, Jimmy, Dayle, Larry & Robin on Easter - April 10, 1966
Bernie, Jimmy, Dayle, Larry & Robin on Easter - April 10, 1966
Robin, Jimmy, Larry and Bernie with Popsicles
Larry and Bernie with Popsicles
Dayle's Doll, Robin, Bernie, Jimmy, Larry, Tim and Dan Branson in SJ 1964?
Larry, Jimmy, Dayle, Bernie and Robin - 1964?
Larry, Jimmy, Dayle, Bernie and Robin - 1964?
Robin, Larry, Dayle and Jimmy - 1966
Robin, Larry, Jimmy and Brad Bryant
Jimmy, ?, Dayle, Ava, Larry Running Thru Sprinklers - July 1966
Robin, Bernie, Larry, Jimmy and Dayle - 1964?
Bernie, Larry and Dayle - 1964?
Robin and Jimmy - 1964 - Note: Mom Like to Dress Them as Twins
Larry and Dayle - 1964
Mom and Gang at Kiwanis with Barnes - Barb, Jimmy, Mom, Doris, Dayle, Robin and Larry - 1965
Mrs. Barnes and Kids - Barb, Margaret, Doris, Robin, Dayle, Jimmy and Larry - 1965
Jimmy and Bernie at Kiwanis - Note: Pavilion and Office
Kiwanis Swimming Pool - Peggy, Doris, Dayle, Jimmy, Larry, Bernie, Robin & Barb - 1965
Kiwanis Pool - Peggy, Doris, Dayle, Jimmy, Larry, Robin, Bernie, Barb - 1965
Kiwanis Pool - Dayle, Bernie, Larry, Peggy and Doris - 1965
Kiwanis Pool - Bernie, Larry, Jimmy, Dayle & Unknown - 1965
Kiwanis Pool - Dayle, Peggy, Doris, Bernie & Larry - 1965
Kiwanis Pool - Unknown, Peggy, Bernie, Jimmy & Dayle - 1965
Kiwanis Pool - Jimmy & Doris - 1965
Bernie at Pool - Note: Date Film Developed on Right
Kiwanis Pool - Robin - 1965
Jimmy, Larry, Doris, and Robin in Kiwanis Park - 1965
Jimmy, Larry, Bernie, Dayle & Robin - 1965
Larry, Bernie, Robin, Dayle, Jimmy - 1965
Jimmy, Bernie, Robin & Larry - 1965
Jimmy & Larry Looking Upstairs - 1965
Bernie on Stairs - 1965
Jimmy on Stairs - 1965
Dad and Jimmy - 1965
Dayle - 1965
Robin in Front of Christmas Tree - 1965
Bernie & Jimmy - Christmas - 1965
Robin at Christmas - 1965
Robin at Christmas - 1965
Superman Punching Bag - Christmas 1965
Bernie, Robin, Patrick, Grandma, Tim, Grandpa, Larry, Dayle, Dan & Jimmy - 1964
Dayle, Bernie and Tim - 1964
Grandpa & Grandma, Mom, Patty and Grandkids - 1966
Grandpa & Grandma with Grandkids in Order of Age - Patrick, Dan, Robin, Jimmy, Larry, Bernie, Tim & Dayle - 1966
Bernie, Jimmy, Tim, Patrick, Ted, Dan, Patty, Larry, Grandpa & Dayle - 1966
Bernie and Tim - 1966
Robin, Tim, Larry, Dan, Patty, Patrick, Jimmy, Dayle and Ted - 1966
Patty, Dad, Dan, Patrick, Ted, Larry, Tim & Jimmy - 1966
Robin, Larry, Dayle & Dad Playing Croquet
Family Picnic, Peggy Wagner (Dayle's Friend & Neighbor) in Middle - 1967
Family Picnic 2 - 1967
Family Picnic 3
Family Picnic 4
Family Picnic 5
Family Picnic 6
Jimmy, Larry, Robin at Grandpa & Grandma's
Jimmy & Dayle Raking at Gib's -
Jimmy & Robin on Porch with Unknown Cat
Robin, Dayle, Larry, Jimmy & Bernie - Note: White Bibles from 7th Day Adventists - 1967
Robin, Dayle, Larry, Jimmy & Bernie - 1967
Robin with His Glove
Jimmy with Sambow - Summer 1966
Larry with His Glove
Bernie with Baseball Glove and Uniform
Dayle with Roses on Her Birthday - July 3, 1966
The Christopher Five School Pics - 1st or 2nd Grade


Cub Scouts Picnics, Baseball, Backyard, Pete's Wedding - 1954-55

13:02 Minutes


Family Gatherings - 1965-68

19:53 Minutes


Go to Slideshow 1 - The Sawyer Years - 1957-63

Go to Slideshow 2A - Broad Street Years - Pt 2 - 1970-77

Go to Slideshow 3 - The California Trip - 1965

Go to Slideshow 3A - U.P. Michigan Trips - 1966-71

Go to Slideshow 4 - Siblings in Front of Cars - 1963-76

Go to Slideshow 5 - Adults and Extended Families - 1977-Present

Go to Slideshow 6 - The Christopher Five - 1963-2007

Go to Siblings Main Page

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