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Siblings Slideshow 6 - Christopher Five - 1963 - 2007

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This is a short slideshow of The Christopher Five group photos from 1963 through 2007.

Click arrow for next or previous photo; or thumbnail below

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The Christopher Five with Mom - 1963
The Christopher Five - 1964
The Christopher Five - 1964
The Christopher Five - 1965
The Christopher Five - 1965
The Christopher Five - 1965
The Christopher Five - 1965
The Christopher Five - 1965
On Vacation with The Christopher Five - 1965
On Vacation with The Christopher Five - 1965
On Vacation with The Christopher Five - 1965
On Vacation with Dad & The Christopher Five - 1965
The Christopher Five - 1965
On Vacation with The Christopher Five - 1966
On Vacation with The Christopher Five - 1966
The Christopher Five - 1968
On Vacation with The Christopher Five - 1968
The Christopher Five Dressed Up - 1970
The Christopher Five at Dayle's Wedding - 1973
The Christopher Five - 1980
The Christopher Five - 1982
The Christopher Five - 2006
Aunt Patty & Uncle Ted with The Christopher Five - 2007


Go to Slideshow 1 - The Sawyer Years - 1955-63

Go to Slideshow 2 - The Broad Street Years - Pt 1 - 1963-70

Go to Slideshow 2A - The Broad Street Years - Pt 2 - 1970-77

Go to Slideshow 3 - The California Trip - 1965

Go to Slideshow 3A - U.P. Michigan Trips - 1966-71

Go to Slideshow 4 - Sibs in Front of Cars - 1963-76

Go to Slideshow 5 - Adults and Extended Families - 1977-Present

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