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Textbook Samples

THE 2012-13 TEXTBOOK SAMPLE IS NOW AVAILABLE  - Preview the book by clicking on the Table of Contents, Index or one of the two chapters below. (these files are in Adobe PDF format. Click here to download the FREE Adobe Reader if you don't have version 7.0 or later) NOTE: There are now two different versions of the High School Economics textbook - the second version's Table of Contents is below or click here (same 18 chapters reorganized into six units)

A sample complementary copy of the entire textbook is available upon request.  EMAIL US to order your sample textbook. We currently have samples available for California, Michigan and New York, although we have thirteen different state versions as of January 2013. Click here to see how the textbook will be personalized for your Michigan school district or click here if you are outside of Michigan.  Note: this textbook is copyrighted and unauthorized copying, distribution or use is prohibited.

Book On Table


Printed softbound (like paperback) - $6.00 per copy for 100 copies PLUS the LICENSE FEE

Shipping is about 60¢ per book. Click on the Price button above for complete details, or HERE

Below are the links to samples:

Table of Contents (TOC) aaaaaaaaaaaaaVersion Two (six units different organization) TOC

Textbook Index

Chapter 1 - Introduction to Economic Concepts

Chapter 3 - Demand and Supply

softbound open

Click here or the picture below to go directly to the ancillary samples page.
