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Christopher Home 8mm Movies

I have converted about two hours of 8 mm video. Keep in mind these are transfers from 8 mm and are generally of poor quality for a variety or reasons. First, they are old and have degenerated. Second, they were shot with technology from the 1950s or before and needed tons of light (watch everyone squint and wince in pain as the light was shined on them in the Wedding Video). Third, Dad's video camera was not a top-notch camera by any means (the Wedding Video was shot by a friend with a much higher quality camera and therefore is the best quality film we have even though it was filmed in 1954 and the other videos are from 1965 through 1970). Fourth, some of the videos are double exposed because Dad's camera was one where you had to shoot half the roll of film at a time and then flip it over in the dark and shoot the other half, sometimes the film was not loaded properly on the flip and was either exposed or double exposed with new material. Fifth, it takes a really steady hand to shoot video and many people pan way too fast, so you don't get a clear view of what they are filming. Finally, I just read the other day how expensive 8mm film was back then and the processing was also very expensive and so people with video cameras were quite careful about what they filmed. Add to that, the average roll of film could hold only @5 minutes both sides combined, so one was very aware to not waste film as compared to today where we have almost unlimited storage of video we take with our phones or video cameras.

With all that said, I think these are a treasure because there is some pretty clear footage at times and they help document the story of our lives. A lot of people our age don't have any videos at all, or many photos for that matter. In that sense, and many others, we are blessed.

List of Movies (click to access separate page or watch videos below)

Karen and Bud Wedding Video Edit Feb 2024 - 10:54 minutes

Patty Branson Family in Christopher Videos

California Trip - 1965 - 5:50 minutes

Camping Trip - 1966 - 13:42 minutes

Camping Trip - 1967 - 3:21 minutes

Camping Trip - 1968 - 13:37 minutes

Camping Trip - 1971 - 3:59 minutes

Bud, Karen and Dayle - 1954-55 - 6:25 minutes

Cub Scout Picnics, Baseball, Backyard BBQ, Pete's Wedding - 1966-70 - 13:02 minutes

Family Gatherings - Picnics etc... - 1965-68 - 19:53

Knut and Gerda Visit Wally - 1954 - 2:07 minutes

Warren and Wally's Family - 1954 - 1970 - 16:27 minutes

Christmas at Wally's - Edited - 3:13 minutes


Karen/Bud Wedding (Music Added) - October 29, 1954

10:54 Minutes

Edit 2024 - Higher Quality


California Trip - 1965

5:54 Minutes


Camping Trip - 1966

13:42 Minutes


Camping Trip - 1967

5:04 Minutes


Camping Trip - 1968

13:37 Minutes


Camping Trip - 1971

3:59 Minutes


Karen, Bud & Dayle - 1954-55

6:25 Minutes


Cub Scouts Picnics, Baseball, Backyard, Pete's Wedding - 1954-55

13:02 Minutes


Family Gatherings

19:53 Minutes


Knut & Gerda Visit Wally's Family - 1954

2:07 Minutes

Remember the 8mm videos are of really poor quality for a variety of reasons mentioned on the 8mm main page.


Warren & Wally's Family - 1954-70

16:27 Minutes

Remember the 8mm videos are of really poor quality for a variety of reasons mentioned on the 8mm main page.

Wally's Christmas Spread - 1967 or 68

3:13 Minutes

Remember the 8mm videos are of really poor quality for a variety of reasons mentioned on the 8mm main page.



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