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Warren Bernard Christopher Sr. - "Bud"

Bud Christopher Child

B. July 17, 1934 - Chicago, Illinios

M. October 29, 1954 - Karen Ackerman - Harbert, Michigan (Divorced May 18, 1978)

M. May 1980 - Jane Scott - St. Joseph, Michigan (Divorced @1983)

D. December 1, 2001 - Benton Harbor, Michigan

Buried - Cremated - No Gravesite

Warren Bernard Christopher was born in Chicago, Illinois on July 17, 1934 to Walborg Marie Söderling and Warren Leslie Christopher. Warren was nicknamed "Bud" by his family (his grandmother Söderling called him "Buddy") and that is the name he used throughout his life. He had six brothers and sisters (Pete, Lynn, Paul, Lee, Roy, Ava). While living in Chicago Dad spent most of his time with his maternal grandparents and became quite close to them. His family lived with both the Söderlings on the Southside (see the 1940 census) and the Christophers on the Northside near Wrigley Field. Naturally, growing up in Chicago he was a Bears and Cubs fan. Dad moved with his parents to Tallmadge, Ohio in @1943 to live with his uncle Herb Christopher. Dad was close to his cousins, particularly, Gordon during his teen years through his mid-20s. They both shared a love of cars that was passed down from their grandfather Eric to their fathers, Warren and Herb, and then on to them.

Dad and his family moved to Sawyer, Michigan in 1946. He attended New Troy High School and played on the JV basketball team in 1949 as a freshman and was the sophomore class president in 1950-51. He graduated from New Troy High School in 1953. During his senior year he worked nights at a factory in Michigan City, Indiana. He was hired into Auto Specialties in St. Joseph, Michigan in 1953 where he worked until 1982. Auto's made auto parts from iron mostly and Dad worked in the furnace area, eventually becoming a chemist. Sadly, the company forced the UAW into a strike in 1982 and eventually fired all the members who went on strike, including Dad who was less than a year from a full pension. Dad had been a shop steward at various times in his life and was very pro-union.

Dad married Mom (Karen Dayle Ackerman) on October 29, 1954 in Harbert, Michigan (see marriage video below or Bud and Karen page for more photos). They livd in the cottage in Bethany Beach for the first year, or so, of their marriage. From the cottage, Dad and Mom moved into a very small one-room house on Warren and Wally's property. Dad, Grandpa Ackerman, Gordon, Ted and Vic Branson helped with reconstruction on the house to add a kitchen and bathroom with plumbing.

Dad and Mom had had five children (Dayle, Warren aka Bernie, Laurence, James aka Jim, and Robin). They moved their family to 1010 Broad Street, St. Joseph, Michigan in 1963. Dad thought liked be closer to work at Autos and having his own home. Dad, Gib, and others help remodel the Broad Street home. It needed much work. The upstairs bedrooms had broken plaster that was falling down and they paneled it. See the Broad Street Home Page for more info.

Dad separated from Mom over a couple year period. He was in and out of our home from 1973-75. He had a room above the Pine Pub for a few years and moved around the Twin Cities during the next 27 years. He divorced Mom on May 18, 1978. Dad married Jane Scott in May 1980; they were divorced within a few years @1983? Dad worked as a store manager at ARCO in St. Joseph and various other jobs, including another factory until his retirement.

Dad's hobbies including bowling, fishing, camping and working on cars. He took his family on several vacations including a cross country trip to San Jose, California in 1965 to visit his grandmother, Gerda Söderling (click here to see the page on the California trip). On the way back from California, Dad, Mom and the four boys (Dayle stayed in California with Grandma Söderling) had a major car engine breakdown just outside Sparks, Nevada. They spent a week in a small motel room somewhat exploring the then small town of Sparks while awaiting repairs. It gave the children a sense of adventure but was probably more heartburn for the adults.

Dad and Mom also took their children on several camping trips from 1966-72. Their favorite place was a small lake in the Upper Peninsula called Soldier Lake near Strongs, Michigan (click here to see videos and photos). Dad loved learning about anything mechanical and really enjoyed the Soo Locks. In 1968, they bought a new car (1968 Ford Country Squire Station Wagon) and 16' aluminum boat to take with them on their camping trips and for boat rides on the St. Joseph River. Dad bought a used 1968 Mustang in 1970, he absolutely loved cars and did much of his own mechanical work on his automobiles teaching Larry how to work on cars also.

Dad died from a heart attack on December 1, 2001 at home in Benton Heights, Michigan after struggling with diabetes and a heart condition for several years (click here to see his death certificate). He had lived at 835 Milo, right across the street from Robin and Kathy, from 1999 till his death. There was a memorial service held on December 17, 2001 for Dad at the Napier Chapel. Click here to see a list of visitors who signed the book, here to see obituary. Dad was cremated, and his ashes were spread in Lake Michigan and the St. Joseph River at the South Pier in St. Joseph by Bernie, Larry and Robin in December 2001.

Census and Records (click blue links to view)

1940 Census - Dad was living with Wally and Warren at their parents - Knut and Gerda Söderling in Chicago - South Side - 7312 St. Lawrence Avenue in what is called Greater Grand Crossing today. Al Capone had a mansion about 10 blocks away. Note that Knut is listed as weather stripping installation and repairing with his own shop. Warren is listed as a auto mechanic at his own garage, and Wally as a phone operator. Dad is listed as 5 years old and going to school. Lennart (Leonard - 15) and Martha (11) are also listed as going to school. As you can see from the photo (click address above) the brown brick building is still standing as of 2022 when Google captured the last photo.

1950 Census - Dad was living with Wally and Warren in Chikaming Township - Sawyer. Note the road was not named Holloway Road as it is today. The census lists it as Chikaming Height Road. Dad is 15, Pete is 7 and Lynn is 5. They live on a farm and Warren is a repairman at his garage. Note: Herb lived close by on Sawyer Road. See his 1950 Census here.

Mom and Dad Marriage Ceritificate - October 29, 1954

Dad's Death Certificate

Dad's Yearbook - 1953 & Memorial (click photo to enlarge)

Note: Uncle Ted and Dad's Cousin Gordon both graduated with Dad and signed his page. Also, Darwin Krieger came to Dad's memorial and said they were great friends. (Darwin is top center of page of photos - can't find his autograph. Dad's Memorial Notice & visitors list is below also.

Dad Yearbook 1953 Autograph Page Dad memorial Dad's Visitors


Slideshow(click on arrows to advance)


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Dad, Warren and Unknown Bethany Beach - 1935
Dad & Grandma Wally - Bethany Beach - 1935
Dad with Wally and Unknown in Chicago - @1936
Dad, Grandma Wally & Pete
Dad Photo Child - 1935?
Dad Photo Child - 1935?
Dad Child Picture - Date?
Dad & Mom Wedding - Oct. 29, 1954
Dad & Mom Wedding Cake - Oct. 29, 1954
Dad & Mom Wedding - Oct. 29 1954
Dad with Best Man at Wedding - Oct. 29, 1954
Dad with Candles Before Wedding
Dad at Picnic with Mom, Dayle, Gordon & Lucille - 1955
Dad, Dayle & Bernie Old House - 1958
Dad & Jimmy in St. Joseph - 1965
Dad at Pattee Park, Perry, IA, 1965
Dad, Wally & Gerda in California - 1965
Dad with Christopher 5 in Wyoming - 1965
Dad Fixing Canvas on Car - 1966
Dad at Solider Lake - 1966
Dad at Old Grade - 1966
Dad at Gib's with Video Camera - 1966/67
Dad & Grandpa Ackerman - 1966/67
Dad at Camp - 1967
Dad with Plate of Food at Gib's - 1967
Dad and Grandpa Checking Out Gib's Boat - 1966/67
Dad with Robin - 1963
Dad Playing Guitar - 1967
Dad About to Mow the Lawn - 1967
Dad, Grandma Wally and Söderling - 1965
Dad in Front of New Ford Wagon - 1968
Dad & Boys at State Capital - 1968
Dad with Boys at Tahquamenon Falls - 1968
Dad at Tahquamenon Falls with Christopher 5 - 1968
Dad & Christopher 5 at Soldier Lake - 1966
Dad with Christopher Five at Point Iroquios - 1968
Dad at Picnic with Mom and Aunt Patty - 1967
Dad & Mom by Ravine - 1967
Dad & Mom in Front of Barnes' - 1967/68
Dad & Mom at Bus Driver Christmas Party - ?
Dad & Mom at Bus Driver Christmas Party - ?
Dad, Gene Ruddell, Helen & Husband at Party
Dad Window He Painted - 1965
Dad Painted Window - 1966?
Dad & Grandma Wally at Lynn's in Ft. Wayne - 1970
Dad - 1970s
Dad with Buffy - 1972/73
Dad with Dayle Wedding - Jan. 6, 1973
Dad, Mom & Dayle Wedding - Jan. 6, 1973
Dad with Mustang - 1975
Dad Helping Jim & Robin - 1983
Dad at Dayle's with Family - 1983
Dad & Mom at Dayle's with Family - 1983

Herald Press/Palladium Articles

Bud Basketball Team New Troy - 11-9-1949

Bud Basketball - 3-29-1950

Bud Baseball - 3-29-1950

Bud Sophomore Class President - 11-4-1950

Bud and Karen (8th Grade) Graduation - 5-21-1953

Bud and Karen Join Sawyer Highlands Baptist Church - 4-28-1955

Bud Bowling - 4-9-1959

Bud Bowling 2 - 4-9-1959

Bud Dog Bites Neighbor - 6-1-1966

Bud Death Certificate - 2001

Bud's Obituary - 12-15-2001



Videos - See Family Videos or Siblings Page for much more video on Bud.

Edit 2024 - Higher Quality

Bud's Wife:

Karen Dale Ackerman

B. April 13, 1939 - Harbert, Michigan

M. October 29, 1954 - Bud Christopher - Harbert, Michigan

D. June 10, 2007 - Allegan, Michigan

Karen Bud Wedding

Jane Pearl Scott

B. 1931

M. May 14, 1980 - Bud Christopher - St. Joseph, Michigan (Divorced @1983)

D. ?

Bud's Children w/ Karen Ackerman:

Dayle Marie Christopher (Chronister)

B. July 3, 1955 - Sawyer, Michigan

M. January 6, 1973 - Jimmy Dale Chronister - St. Joseph, Michigan

Children - Chris (5-31-1973) - Julie (8-30-1975) - Jason (11-16-1977)

Warren Bernard Christopher Jr.

B. November 13, 1956 - Sawyer, Michigan

M. October 18, 1980 - Patricia Ella Reschke - Kalamazoo, Michigan

Children - Katie (3-10-1991) - Kari (2-3-1993)

Laurence Gilbert Christopher

B. May 22, 1958 - Sawyer, Michigan

M. January 6, 1988 - Barbara Ann Christopher - Fowler, Michigan

Children - Elizabeth (11-20-1989), Erica (3-24-1993)

James Montgomery Christopher

B. June 26, 1959 - Sawyer, Michigan

Robin Wade Christopher

B. August 14, 1961 - Sawyer, Michigan

M. March 20, 1982 - Kathy A Phillips - Benton Harbor, Michigan

Children - Joseph (2-17-1983), Michelle (5-16-1988)


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